

Our association works closely with critical stakeholder groups to build upon the work we do on behalf of the U.S. beat365亚洲体育产业. These groups have decades worth of essential localized or subject-matter knowledge.


ACP has a unique network of eight 区域合作伙伴 organizations plus an ACP-California office that provide 状态-based expertise and elevate the clean power industry’s profile across the U.S.

Discover more about ACP’s 区域合作伙伴 organizations

a map of the united 状态s showing the regional organizations ACP partners with across the US with the renew northeast logo in new england, 在纽约的王牌纽约, MAREC action in the midatlantic, SREA在东南部, clean grid alliance in the midwest, advanced power alliance in texas oklahoma kansas and nebraska, interwest energy alliance in the southwest, ACP california in california, renewable northwest in the northwest, with south carolina being separately represented by an acp supported lobbyist


美国beat365亚洲体育-California (ACP-CA) works with policymakers to develop cost-effective solutions to the climate crisis and create the next generation of clean power jobs. As a 状态 project of the national 美国beat365亚洲体育 Association, ACP-CA represents companies who develop, 自己的, and operate utility-scale solar, 存储, 陆基风力, 海上风力发电, 增强型地热, and transmission assets to power a clean and renewable economy for California and the West.


beat365亚洲体育研究所‘s (CPI) mission is to strengthen support for the beat365亚洲体育产业 and build, 火车, 并赋予其员工权力. CPI advances its mission by connecting beat365亚洲体育产业 representatives with clean energy workers, drawing talent from rural and disadvantaged communities, and promoting the benefits of historic clean energy investments across the country. CPI is the 美国beat365亚洲体育 Association 501(c)(3) affiliate.


美国能源行动 (AEA) helps inform and educate the public about the positive impact renewable energy has in local communities and throughout the nation. AEA取U.S. forward by creating a powerful voice respected by policy makers and elected officials.


新力量内布拉斯加州 (NPN) is a coalition dedicated to highlighting the benefits renewable energy brings to communities and rural areas across Nebraska. NPN advocates for positive policies that support the industry’s growth and foster continued expansion of clean energy in the 状态.


为爱荷华州加油 (PUI) is a 状态wide coalition of renewable energy supporters advocating for local, 状态, and federal policies that bring wind energy investment into Iowa. PUI will create jobs and new economic opportunities for families and businesses across the 状态. 通过教育, 提高意识, and participating in conversations with our 状态’s leaders, PUI will make the case for continued clean power growth.


为德州加油 (PUT) is an alliance of stakeholders bound by a mission to educate and advocate for innovative, sustainable electricity generation in Texas, including the expansion of clean, renewable energy resources.